Blessed Bloomers I

Description: Sometimes we take for granted the simplest of things. Imagine taking a nice hot shower at the end of a long day and NOT having a clean pair of underwear to put on. Imagine that for a moment … that’s how some people live. We’d like to help restore their dignity as Father Mychal did … and as Jesus would have.

During our first official project, collecting and distributing socks for the homeless, one man asked us if we had underwear as well. Thus the Blessed Bloomers project was born. We learned of a great need for underwear among the homeless. Many people donate gloves and sweaters, but rarely do they think of the basic needs like underwear.

Objective: Collect men’s, women’s and children’s underwear and distribute them in New York City via the Bread Line at St. Francis Church on September 11, 2002 in memory of Fr. Mychal.

Results: We collected 3,000 pairs of underwear, 800 undershirts, and 800 pairs of socks. We distributed them on the first anniversary of Fr. Mychal’s death at St. Francis church in New York City, and then at St. Francis Inn in Philadelphia. The remainder were delivered to the Graymoor Friars in Garrison, NY. We also continued distribution through October and November, at other centers and shelters in the New York City and Philadelphia areas.

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